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Why are Commercial HVAC Systems Modular?

Commercial HVAC systems usually appear on the roof of the buildings they cool, and differ in numerous ways from residential air conditioning systems. Here in Woodbury, commercial HVAC systems are a common sight, and you may have noticed that they’re modular in nature, with multiple commercial units in place on the roof of just a single building. Why are commercial HVAC systems modular? The answer says a lot about why they differ from residential systems.
Every air conditioning unit it built to handle a certain power load. If it ever exceeds that power load, it will labor to do its job and may damage key components in the process. In residential homes hat’s not usually much of a factor. You measure the square footage, account for things like insulation and sun exposure, and install a single unit capable of handling the entire building. But that’s just not practical with business spaces. Office space may not be filled all the time and old tenant leave and new ones take their place. A prudent office manage doesn’t want to cool space that no one’s using, but if you have just a single air conditioning unit, you won’t have a choice. In addition, some businesses may need more cooling power than others; for example, if they have a large number of computer hard drives that need to be kept cool at all times. That speaks to the same thing: businesses need flexibility in their power load if they intend to cool the air effectively.
Modular systems provide that. In cases when you need more power, you can simply add another unit without having to replace the entire system. And if you need less power, you can just shut one of or remove it just as easily. Modular units also make it easier to conduct repairs without cutting off air to the entire building; no small concern if you want your customers and employees to be comfortable.
For more on why Woodbury commercial HVAC systems are modular, or to install or repair such a system in your building, give SPS Mechanical a call. We have the skills and experience you need, so don’t hesitate to set up an appointment today! For commercial HVAC installation or other HVAC services in Woodbury, contact us today and speak with one of our specialists.

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Tags: Commercial HVAC, Woodbury
Friday, May 16th, 2014 at 11:01 am | Categories: Commercial Services

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