It’s pretty easy to fall into the trap of ignoring the drains in your home, thinking that they’ll just take care of themselves. After all, what kind of maintenance could drain pipes possibly need? Well, drain cleaning, for one. Drain cleaning helps to keep your drains free of waste buildup and other blockages, and ensures that it runs as smoothly as possible. If you haven’t cleaned your drains in a while, the following are just a few of the indications that you should probably have it done sooner rather than later.
Slow Drainage
Drain clogs form slowly, as whatever waste or limescale or other material sticks to the walls of the pipe and builds towards the center. The closer the clog gets to the center, the more it will restrict the flow of water through the pipe. If you start to notice that one of your drains draining more slowly than it normally does, it might be a good idea to call a professional to clean out your pipes. No sense in waiting for the clog to complete before dealing with it, after all.
Bad Smells
This one tends to happen a lot more in kitchen drains, which have to deal with food waste all the time. A sufficient amount of certain kinds of waste building up in the drain pipes will often lead to horrible smells rising up through said pipes. If an area of your home smells like an open sewer, and it seems that the smell is coming from the drain, then you should definitely call a professional to clean the drain out as soon as you can. Do note, though, that if this issue is present in multiple drains throughout the home, you might have a bigger problem. That often means that the sewer system is experiencing a problem deeper in, and will likely need more involved efforts to resolve whatever that problem is.
It’s Been Over a Year
Even if you haven’t noticed any kind of odd symptoms regarding your drains in the last year, it’s still probably a good idea to make sure that you have your drains cleaned out. Professional drain cleaning doesn’t only get rid of clogs that have already formed, but also helps to remove waste that will eventually become a clog in the future. Preventive drain cleaning helps to keep your drains running smoothly throughout the years, so you don’t have to wait for warning signs before calling for professional services. This will save you money, and quite a bit of frustration, in the long run. Contact a professional plumber today to request a drain cleaning appointment. You may not notice any obvious symptoms now, but with preventive drain cleaning you won’t have to worry about it for the next year or so.
SPS Mechanical Inc. provides comprehensive drain cleaning services. Contact us today if you have a clogged drain in Deptford Township, NJ. We’ll make sure you have an appointment with one of our expert plumbers, so your drains are restored to proper operating condition.