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When Is It Time to Replace My Heat Pump?

Heat pumps are great pieces of equipment for heating and cooling your home, and they can last a long time with proper care and maintenance. However, no matter how well you look after your heat pump you will eventually have to replace it. When your heat pump gets towards the end of its life, it’s a good idea to recognize it as soon as possible. Otherwise, you might find yourself with a dead heat pump in the middle of a hot summer day. Read on to learn how to identify when it’s time to replace your heat pump.

Loss of Efficiency
The older a heat pump gets, the more worn down it will become. This will cause a gradual decrease in efficiency over time. Loss of efficiency and output will lead to higher operating costs, which is how you can identify this problem. If your heat pump seems to not be working as well as it used to, but is costing more to operate, you may need to replace it.

Repair Increases
Heat pumps are placed under a bit more strain than most systems, as they are used for both heating and cooling. That being said, a healthy heat pump system should not need more than a handful of repairs every few years. A heat pump that is near the end of its life, however, will require repairs much more often. If you have to repair your heat pump every few months, you should probably replace it.

Heat pumps are manufactured to last around 15 to 20 years. There are some that will last longer, but it is rare. Once your heat pump gets to be around that age, you should talk to a professional about replacing it.
If you need to replace your heat pump, call SPS Mechanical Inc. We provide heat pump replacement services throughout the Delaware area.

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