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What’s So Special About a Tankless Water Heater

Some homeowners might think it’s strange to call an appliance “special.” After all, nobody calls their car special, or their dishwasher special, right? Well, it depends on how you view things.

We’d call anything special that leads to you feeling comfortable and being able to enjoy the holidays with loved ones (even remotely) this year. In the spirit of the season, it’s great to take a moment and be thankful for hot water when you’re taking a soothingly long shower. And, if your home is lacking hot water, then it might be time to upgrade.

Tankless water heaters are a different kind of water heating solution we offer. They’re not like tank water heaters in Sewell, NJ in many ways, and they could be perfect for your home. In fact, they could be the special water heater that keeps you happy for years to come!

What’s the Big Idea?

Okay, we’re going to stop joking around for a second. While it might be nice to imagine a new water heater or talk about how great this new technology is, you’re not here to read up on the latest and greatest tech. You want to know if a tankless water heater would be right for your home—plain and simple. So, let’s start by talking about the main points that make tankless systems unique.

Unlimited hot water. As long as there’s water and fuel to burn, you’ve got access to immediate hot water. Now when you’re washing dishes, taking a shower, or shaving, you’ve got access to a continuous stream of hot water and you never have to worry about it running out.High-efficiency operation. Not only does a tankless water heater omit the standby heat loss that a normal tank water heater has, it also functions with high efficiency. Water is heated as needed and it is sent directly to your appliance to be used.Less contact with water. Since there’s less surface area coming into contact with water, you’re much less likely to run into maintenance problems than you would with a tank water heater.Less space. Tankless water heaters are tiny in comparison to tank water heaters. They don’t need all that space, which means they’re perfect for smaller homes, or for families that need the space.

They’re Not for Everyone

You might be thinking, “Wow, those tankless systems really are great. What’s the catch?” The catch is simple—they’re usually more expensive than tank water heaters, and they require access to natural gas. If you’re looking to save as much money as possible on your water heater upgrade, then a tankless system might not be an option. Likewise, if you rely on electrical appliances and don’t have access to natural gas, you’re not going to be able to use a system like this.

Honestly, tankless water heaters are great, but they’re not perfect. Tank water heaters are affordable, conventional, and they do the job right when they’re sized properly. If you’re struggling with low hot water levels, then perhaps it’s time to upgrade your system to a tank water heater that’s appropriately fitted with enough hot water to keep you happy.

Call SPS Mechanical Inc. if you think it’s time for a hot water heater upgrade. Comfort at your service!

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