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Ways to Save Energy in Homes This Winter

Are you looking for ways to save energy in your Woolwich Township area home this winter? We have a few tips and maintenance tasks that you can use to help save energy on heating your home. Even if you have a high-efficiency furnace, boiler, or heat pump, you could still be saving more money with these guidelines:

Consider Upgrading to Renewable Energy
If you heat your home with electricity or gas, you could save a lot of money in the long run by switching to a renewable energy source, such as geothermal or solar. Heating with a geothermal heat pump can also save on the cost of hot water since these systems can be used to work with a water heater. If you live in an area that is not heavily shaded, consider installing solar panels to help reduce your energy consumption and lower your utility bills.

Install a Programmable Thermostat
With a programmable thermostat, you can adjust temperatures automatically, and many of them are designed to work with multistage heat pumps and dual fuel systems. They are easy to use, and many come with humidity control settings for your whole-home humidifier.

Schedule an Annual Inspections
The general consensus among heating experts is that heating inspections should be scheduled once a year. You should also have your heating system tuned by a certified technician who is trained to check for any hidden problems, such as a cracked heat exchanger that could lead to carbon monoxide intrusion in the home. They will also test efficiency levels to ensure that your heating system is working properly. If you use electric heat, you may want to think about switching to natural gas if it is available in your area. We can install gas piping for new heating systems, whether it’s a furnace or boiler. For homes with existing fireplaces or wood stoves, consider installing a high-efficiency gas furnace or boiler that can be vented through the chimney or vent pipe. As a professional for advice if you aren’t sure what type of fuel is more cost-effective for your home.

If you have questions about how to save energy or how to properly maintain your heater for better performance, call the Woolwich Township heating and home efficiency experts at SPS Mechanical for professional advice.

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