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Upgrade Your Air Conditioning in Cherry Hill, NJ with Zone Control

Are you looking for a cost-effective way to improve your air conditioning? Are you tired of a one-temperature-fits-all solution? There are some excellent cost-effective upgrades you can take advantage of, from thermostats to zone control systems. It’s the latter we’ll focus on for today’s post. A professionally installed zone control system is a great way to improve your forced-air distribution system. What’s more, you can also use it year-round if you use a furnace or a heat pump to heat your home in the winter. Call the Cherry Hill, NJ air conditioning experts at SPS Mechanical if you’re interested in improving your cooling system.

Installing a zone control system is relatively straightforward for an experienced professional, but it does involve modifying your existing HVAC system as well as installing new components. The process begins by integrating electronically controlled dampers at strategic locations in your ductwork, thus dividing the network of ducts into zones, each of which can be separately controlled. Thermostats need to be located in a proper location, away from drafts, duct registers, windows, and exterior doors.
Each zone can be controlled by its own thermostat, which allows you to save substantially on energy during the cooling season.

You can also avoid any disagreements about the temperature settings from room to room. The master bedroom can be set at 75 degrees Fahrenheit while the kids can keep it at 72. You may also find that the overall cooling performance of your air conditioning is much improved because it no longer attempts to cool parts of your home you rarely use or that remain unoccupied for much of the summer months.

A zone control system installation should always be handled by an HVAC technician. It involves handling your ductwork and damage can result if it’s not done correctly, including leaky or loose ducts. It may also require modification to your indoor air handler as well as the installation of additional thermostats, all of which need to be professionally completed. There’s simply no substitute for the technical expertise and experience of a technician.

Call SPS Mechanical today for all of your Cherry Hill, NJ air conditioning needs.

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