Ductless systems are becoming more popular, as people look for cost-effective alternatives to centralized systems. As effective as ductless systems are, though, they are not invincible. Sooner or later, you will need to replace your ductless system. The following are some of the common signs that you can use to determine whether your ductless system needs replacing.
Drops in Efficiency
The older a ductless system gets, the more wear and tear will accumulate on its various parts. This increasing wear on the system will cause it to lose efficiency over the years, which will manifest in the form of higher operating costs. If your ductless system is costing more money to operate, while simultaneously not working as well as it used to, you might want to replace it.
Every system needs repairs every once in a while, though there is a pretty big difference between old and new systems in that regard. Younger ductless systems should only need repairs once every couple of years. In older systems, however, the added wear and tear can cause multiple parts to fail in rapid succession. This makes it more likely for old ductless systems to need repairs every couple of months, instead of every couple of years. If you need to repair your ductless system quite often, it might be cheaper just to replace it.
Age is not necessarily a problem in and of itself, but it is a good indicator of how likely it is for your ductless system to develop other problems. Most ductless systems are designed to last around 15 years. If your ductless system is older than that, you should talk to a professional about whether or not you need to replace it, especially if it is experiencing issues like those listed above.
If you need to replace your ductless system, call SPS Mechanical Inc. We install and service ductless systems throughout Deptford Township, NJ.