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Signs That It Is Time to Replace Your Commercial Air Conditioner

Commercial air conditioners are very sturdy systems. They have to be, in order to keep up with the demand. Sooner or later, though, they all break down permanently and need to be replaced. When your commercial air conditioner gets close to the end of its lifespan, you’re going to want to get it replaced as soon as possible. Replacing a system as large as a commercial air conditioner can take a while, and the last thing you want is to be without air conditioning on a hot day. So read on for a list of signs that you need to have your commercial air conditioner replaced.

Loss of Output
This is typically the first sign that most people recognize that their air conditioner needs replacing. Years of wear and tear on the various parts of the system cause it to become less and less efficient. This means the system has to stay on for longer and longer to achieve the same temperature. If your air conditioning system is not putting out as much output as it used to, you may need to replace it.

Even a relatively healthy system is going to need repairs every once in a while. Older systems, however, will need more and more repairs as they get towards the end of their lives. When your commercial air conditioner is requiring repairs every few months, it’s a sign that it would be cheaper to just replace the whole thing.

When your commercial air conditioner gets older than 20 years, it’s approaching the end of its lifespan. Even if it isn’t experiencing problems like those listed above, it is typically better to replace it with a newer, more efficient system.

If you need to replace your commercial air conditioner, call SPS Mechanical Inc. We provide commercial HVAC replacement services throughout Southeast Pennsylvania.

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