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Plumbing Tip: How to Prevent Backed Up Drains

Your home’s plumbing system gets a huge amount of use every single day. From cleaning, bathing, laundry and dishes your drains are used all the time. We often get asked by our customers about how they can prevent their drains from backing up. Here is a quick description of some of the things that you can do to keep your home’s drains working well.

Get regular maintenance

One of the best ways for you to reduce all kinds of plumbing repairs, including clogs, is to get your home’s plumbing system regularly inspected and cleaned. Clogs usually don’t happen overnight, and during regular maintenance visits your plumber will look for any small buildups that have started to develop in your plumbing and drains.

Protect your drains

Another great way to keep your home’s drains from clogging is to do your best to alter your behavior so that you protect them. This is especially important for your kitchen sink drain because of all the food waste that it has to deal with. Make sure that you don’t put any melted fat, starchy foods (pasta), stringy foods (celery), animal bones, or fruit pits down your kitchen sink drain. Use drain covers on all your drains to prevent hair and other debris from going down the drain.

Water treatment

If your home’s water has excess minerals it is called “hard water”. These minerals usually include calcium and magnesium. These minerals can get deposited on the insides of your pipes and buildup over time. Water treatment systems like filters and softeners are designed to remove those excess minerals so that they don’t cause any issues with your pipes.

When you need any Cherry Hill, NJ plumbing services, just call the friendly specialists at SPS Mechanical.

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