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Our HVAC Advice: 4 Tips You Need to Know

It’s getting late in the holiday season, which means it’s time to tighten the belt and save some money. Between shopping for presents, cleaning your home for any guests (either virtual or in a quarantine-bubble), or the massive grocery trips for cooking materials, you’ve got your hands full. The last thing on your mind right now is your heating system or the comfort of your home.

That is, until your heater breaks down. That could be the tipping point that makes you feel like canceling all your holiday plans. The truth is that this is a possibility, but a team that performs quality HVAC in Woodbury, NJ can absolutely make your life a lot easier and save you money as well.

We’re going to give you four seasonal tips that should help keep things running smoothly. Your home, your budget, and your peace of mind will be in much better shape if you listen to the advice of pros.

Tip #1: Get Help When You Need It

The worst part about the heating season is that heaters that haven’t been serviced properly, (i.e. they haven’t been maintained or repaired) will start having major troubles due to the intense work we put them through. Homeowners who feel like they’re in great shape before the winter starts will be anxious as their heater starts to fail in only a few months time.

This leads us to our first tip: get help when you need it. Everyone needs heater maintenance, so you can expect problems if you forgo that necessary work. Same thing with minor repairs that could increase system efficiency; neglecting those repairs could lead to some pretty devastating consequences.

Tip #2: Keep Changing Your Air Filter

We mention air filters a lot on this blog, but that’s for a very particular reason. Homeowners might be easily “reminded” to change their air filter, but unless you change it regularly, it’s never going to help. Changing the air filter in your system is like filling your car up with gasoline—if you forget to do it, you’re in for some pretty serious problems down the line.

Tip #3: Pay Attention to Your Water Heater

Do you know what’s worse than a broken down heater on a cold winter night? A broken down heater and a broken down water heater. Both of these systems are vital to the comfort and well-being of your home. Without a functional water heater that works effectively and efficiently, you’ll be without the hot water that’s necessary for bathing, washing, and cooking.

Try investing in some water heater maintenance, or perhaps it’s finally time to get that strange water heater repair need taken care of. The more vigilant you are, the more it will pay off in peace of mind.

Tip #4: Stop Trying to Do It Yourself

The most frustrating thing about receiving heater repair calls is when homeowners tell us that they tried to fix the problem themselves, but it just got worse. We always think to ourselves, “Well, of course it got worse!”

Trying to do anything to your heater by yourself is just a bad idea. Not only is it likely to make problems worse and cause some real damage, it can also void your system’s warranty and cause expensive repairs to spiral out of control. Do what’s right for your system and call a pro.

Contact the professionals at SPS Mechanical Inc. Comfort at your service.

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