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Oil to Natural Gas Conversions: The Time Is Right

Do you still use oil for power in your home? Chances are good that you, like many people in Southern New Jersey, still make use of oil to fuel boilers, furnaces, or stoves. However, the option to convert your home over to natural gas may be heading your way. South Jersey Gas is expanding a natural gas pipeline as part of a $90 million project to increase the state’s use of natural gas and create more environmentally friendly and efficient energy solutions.

There are many reasons you should consider an oil to natural gas conversion in Sicklerville, NJ for your home. Contact SPS Mechanical Inc. and we will help you find out if conversion is possible where you live (or if it soon will be). You can then let us take over the job of connecting your home and its appliances to the gas line.
Why You Should Change From Oil to Natural Gas


You’ve probably run out of oil before at a time when you needed power the most. That is the biggest hassle about using oil for heating fuel: you have to store it, and if you forget to take delivery you can run out at the worst time. But with natural gas, the power comes from a municipal supply, piped right into your house. You never have to worry about running out of fuel.

Increased energy efficiency:

One of the reasons the State of New Jersey is making the conversion to natural gas is that gas is more budget-friendly than oil because it burns more completely, resulting in less waste. In 2011, the federal Energy Information Administration found from a study that the average U.S. homeowner paid three times more to heat a home during the winter using oil than using natural gas. Just as New Jersey expects to pay less for energy, you can also expect to pay less with the switch to natural gas.

Domestically produced:

Natural gas comes from local sources, not overseas oil drilling. You help support U.S. energy independence when you start using natural gas.

Tax rebate:

As part of New Jersey’s natural gas expansion, some utility companies will offer rebates to homes that choose oil-to-gas conversion. Rebates run as high as $400, making natural gas an even better bargain that will rapidly pay for conversion costs.

Oil is an out-of-date fuel source for homes, and if there is any way of making the switch to gas, you should take advantage of it. An oil to natural gas conversion in Sicklerville, NJ may now be possible for your home, or possible in the near future, thanks to the new natural gas pipeline. Give us a call today to talk with one of our oil-to-gas conversion specialists at SPS Mechanical Inc. and learn more about the process.

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