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Keep Those Drains Squeaky Clean!

We like to think that our homes are steadfast against the rolling current of time. It breaks our hearts when we think about what our home will look like in ten years, or for that matter, what our plumbing system will look like. There’s only so much preventative maintenance you can do before your drains begin to slow down and, eventually, clog.

We’re not saying that this is the end of your plumbing system—far from it! A drain clog can be easily mitigated with the right tools, behavior, and professionalism. If you could use our drain services in Deptford Township, NJ, then don’t hesitate to call us.

Otherwise, keep reading as we go into the details about how to fix a clogged drain yourself, and what to do if you just can’t seem to unclog the mess. Take our word for it, we’re your friendly neighborhood plumbing team to the rescue.

A Little Bit of Elbow Grease

We didn’t say that keeping your drains clean would be easy, but it’s definitely better than leaving them clogged. Obviously, if you’re not a big proponent of DIY techniques, then we urge you to give our team a call. We can clean your drains lickety-split and you’ll never have to get your hands dirty. Or you can try the suggested tips below and if they don’t work out, you can call us as a last resort. Either way works for us!

Using the Right Plunger

We know what you must be thinking: “Aren’t plungers for toilets?” While, yes, plungers are for toilets, there are actually different sized plungers for different sized drains. It doesn’t have to be a toilet for a plunger to work in expelling a clog.

Plungers work by creating a pressurized seal over the drain. When you push and pull, it increases and decreases the pressure around the clog in the drain, causing it to (hopefully) move out of the way. This is a very effective, environmentally friendly, and safe way to remove clogs. Just make sure you get the right-sized plunger for your drain!

Drain Snakes to the Rescue!

We’re not talking about actual snakes. This is just a name for a plumbing tool that we use to remove clogs. They consist of a long string of either plastic or wire that has frayed edges. These edges catch onto the pipe surface material like hair, soap, and other solid drain-clogging substances. The next step, and possibly the hardest, is pulling the drain snake out carefully so you make sure not to harm the interior of your plumbing system.

That’s it! Drain snakes can really work wonders under the right circumstances.

Hydro Jets and More!

You didn’t think that all there was to plumbing was drain snakes and plungers, did you? With an experienced team of master plumbers, we have a whole slew of equipment to use on your pesky drain when your DIY remedies don’t work. From hydro jets, which are basically just high-powered water hoses that clear everything out of a drain, to industrial-grade drain snakes that can make short work of a clog, we’ve got what it takes to clear your drains and give your plumbing a fresh start.

Call SPS Mechanical Inc. for expert plumbing services. Comfort at your service!

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