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Is Your AC Working with a Fresh Filter?

What do pools, air conditioners, and your coffee machine all have in common? They all use filters! When it comes to pools and coffee machines, the problems with a clogged filter can be more obvious. A pool without a filter can be a huge safety hazard, and coffee brewed with a bad filter can taste pretty disgusting. However, less people know about the problems with a clogged AC filter- which makes it all the more frustrating when those same people don’t replace their filters when they should.

Don’t be one of those people. A clogged filter can cause a multitude of problems that just compound and get worse as time goes on, leading to the need for costly air conditioning repair in Sewell, NJ.

Not convinced? Wait until you hear what could go wrong.

Filter Function
Air conditioner filters serve a very specific function in your HVAC system. Your AC has extremely delicate functioning parts, like the evaporator coil, which rely on the filter to stop dirt and debris from coming in contact with them. When your filter gets too dirty, this debris can impact the coil’s heat-absorbing capacity and increase your air conditioner’s energy consumption by 5-15%.

When to Replace Your Filter
Is your air conditioner not functioning as efficiently as it should be? Is it running on short cycles, consuming more energy, or perhaps it just can’t seem to cool your house down? It could be in dire need of an air filter replacement.
Ideally, your filter should be replaced every 1-3 months during the cooling season. If you’re using your air conditioner more regularly due to a heatwave or irregular circumstance, then you might want to replace it—or clean it, if it is a reusable filter—more often. Do you have pets or an abnormally dusty house? These could be factors limiting your filter’s lifespan as well, since that dust and pet dander will quickly clog up your air conditioner.

How Do I Replace My Filter?
When you purchase your air filters (they usually come in packs) there will be arrows showing you which end to insert. In a typical air conditioner, the filter is located in the return air duct, or the blower compartment before the return air reaches the air handler. This location enables the filter to clean the air coming from your home before it enters the HVAC system. If, of course, you have any trouble locating the filter or have questions about changing it out, please give us a call!

There’s a common misconception that the air filter is actually in place to protect your indoor air quality, but as you can see from our explanation above, the air filter is not intended for that purpose (you need the right combination of indoor air quality products and services for that)—it actually has a much more important job when it comes to AC functionality!

You don’t have to do it all yourself. Call SPS Mechanical Inc., for comfort at your service.

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