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Is It Time to Replace Your Boiler?

Boilers last for an incredibly long time when maintained correctly. We’ve seen boilers that are old enough to be getting their Ph.D. degree, while still being able to effectively heat a home. That being said, not every boiler is going to last this long and we’re here to give you some tips to help you see if it’s time to replace your old faithful.

Think of heating in Sewell, NJ like you would an older car. Sure, a 20 or 30-year-old car might have its problems, but if it’s lasted this long, it shouldn’t be too hard to keep it up to snuff right? Well, when it comes to boilers, you’re going to want to make sure it works and that it works as efficiently as possible. Otherwise, you’re basically burning money every month for energy costs that you’d rather not pay.
Interested? Let’s see if your boiler could use a replacement.

Typical Problems from Old Age
Since boilers can last so long, they can have problems stemming from old age that other heating systems don’t see. Things like rust and safety concerns usually aren’t there when dealing with furnaces or heat pumps, but the resiliency of boilers means that their old age will show eventually, even if its 20 years down the line.

Rust and Corrosion. 

Since your boiler is in constant contact with water, it’s no wonder that these systems begin to rust and corrode after a while. Sure, it might take a few decades, but eventually, it will happen. Rust and corrosion can ruin the interior integrity of your boiler and unless you’re willing to spend more money than it’s probably worth, you’re going to need a replacement.


Since your boiler relies on circulating water through your home, it’s definitely possible that a leak could form eventually. Leaks in the piping system of a boiler can be devastating for your home, particularly because they can cause damage to your walls and floors, as well as aid in the growth of mold and mildew. These should by no means be fixed by anyone other than a licensed plumber or HVAC technician that’s certified to work on boilers.

Benefits of a New Boiler
Having a new boiler doesn’t just reset the clock of maintenance and repairs, there are a few key advantages to replacing your boiler system with a newer, more efficient one.


Boilers are already incredibly efficient systems, but newer models are more precise in their controls and equipment. Precision translates to increased efficiency, which eventually yields savings for you, the homeowner!

Stronger Metal. 

Older boilers that are cast iron might have trouble resisting rust as much as certain models produced today. The metal alloys we used to build our boilers are getting stronger and more resilient each day. That means a newer boiler could be buying you more time and less spent on repairs.

Well, we hope that we could provide enough information for you to make a healthy decision. Unless you’re dealing with an emergency, you should never rush the decision to replace your boiler. Contact the professionals if you need any other information about boiler upgrades and replacements.
If you could use a boiler replacement, look no further than SPS Mechanical Inc. Contact us today! Comfort at your service.

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