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If Your Ductless System Has These Symptoms, It’s Time for a New One

We’re heading into a record breaking summer season, which means your air conditioning system needs to be in top condition if you want to stay cool. For some of us, it’s time to replace our air conditioning systems that just can’t perform anymore. If you’re using a ductless system to keep your home comfortable this summer, make sure that it’s able to actually deliver results. If not, you’re going to want to replace it now so it doesn’t have the chance to let you down in the middle of a hot summer day. Let’s take a look at some of the signs that you need a ductless system replacement.
The older and more worn down a ductless system gets, the more its efficiency is going to decline. As the system becomes less and less efficient, it will have to stay on for longer periods of time in order to compensate. This will be reflected in your monthly bills. If your bills are going up for no apparent reason, it may be that you need a new ductless system.
Ductless systems need repairs every now and again, just like any other system. However, as a ductless system nears the end of its life, parts of it will become so worn down that they start to fail en masse. If you need to repair your ductless system every few months, it would be much cheaper to just install a new one.
Ductless systems typically last around 15 years, after which point they become increasingly run-down and difficult to maintain. If your ductless system is older than 15 years, you should have a professional evaluate it to see if it’s really worth keeping.
SPS Mechanical Inc. offers comprehensive ductless installation services throughout West Deptford, NJ. Call today for more info.

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Tags: Ductless, West Deptford
Monday, July 25th, 2016 at 11:00 am | Categories: Heat Pumps

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