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HVAC Tip: Don’t Forget Your Ductwork

Spring is the season of organizing your closet, cleaning out the garage, and repainting the bathroom. But many homeowners overlook that spring cleaning should also extend to their ductwork. After all, ductwork is responsible for both the efficient transmission of hot and cold air all year long, and can have a major impact on the indoor air quality of your home. Duct cleaning is a great way to improve the quality of your home as you prepare for the cooling season. This is especially true if you have allergies or respiratory issues like asthma. Fortunately, your Sicklerville, NJ duct cleaning experts are here to help you spring clean this year. Call SPS Mechanical today!

Comprehensive duct cleaning has a wide range of benefits, from improving energy efficiency to boosting air quality. Let’s take a look at a few of them:

Improved energy efficiency:

Making sure that air passes through your ducts quickly and without obstruction is a great way to make your system more efficient. Even small amounts of dust and other debris can cause large reductions in cooling performance.

Improved air quality:

As the intermediary between you and your heating and cooling systems, your ductwork is the last surface your air touches before it’s blown through the registers. As such, you depend on its cleanliness to delivery not only temperature-controlled air, but also conditioned and filtered air. When your ductwork becomes dirty, it exacerbates pollutants by making them airborne.

Reduce microbial growth:

If you have high humidity conditions in your home, your ductwork may be prone to microbial growth, such as mold. Mold is a health hazard and tends to spread rapidly given the right conditions. Duct cleaning is a great way to eliminate pollutants and infestations.

Increase system life:

When dust and debris get into mechanical parts, they tend to impede their effectiveness. Reducing the amount of debris in your ductwork improves the longevity of your entire heating and cooling system.

Along with duct cleaning, duct inspection and testing are excellent ways to make sure that your air is reaching you quickly. For comprehensive duct cleaning in Sicklerville, NJ, call SPS Mechanical today!

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