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How to Care For Your AC

If you’ve visited this blog before—and we certainly hope that you’ll poke around and take some of this useful information to heart!—then you already know that we almost always advocate for calling a professional air conditioning technician when it comes to air conditioning service in Sewell, NJ.

The fact of the matter is that there are actually a few tasks that you can handle on your own that will help your air conditioner to succeed. So read on, think about what your air conditioner may need, and give us a call with any questions that you may have. Our goal is to ensure your comfort all summer long, no matter how hot the weather outside may get.

Change Your Air Filter Regularly
How frequently the air filter in your air conditioning system actually needs to be changed will vary, but typically it’s going to be every 1-3 months. Anything from the airtightness of your home, overall cleanliness, and the presence of pets can influence this timeframe. But trust us, changing your filter when needed yields great results.

The more clogged up your air filter is, the more difficult it becomes for your system to force air throughout your home. That leads to higher energy costs, as your system has to use more energy to cool your house. You may also run into issues with short cycling, due to excessive strain put on the system.

Clean the Outdoor Unit
We’re not telling you to clean your outdoor AC unit to make it look nicer, though it will have that effect. We’re telling you to do so because keeping that unit clean can help you to avoid a number of problems. It’s possible, for instance, for leaves and sticks to fall into the fan on top of the system and jam it up.

If your unit is covered in lawn clippings and dirt, then your AC will also have trouble releasing heat into the air via its condenser fins. Remember, the condenser coil is in this outdoor unit, and the harder it is to release heat, the worse your system will perform and the greater the risk of damages that could have easily been avoided.
Schedule Maintenance

Okay, this one may be cheating just a little. We’ll do the work, but you do have to call to schedule. So we’ll count it. Not only do we offer outstanding maintenance services, but our Total Maintenance Solution plans make scheduling maintenance—and enjoying some added benefits—simpler and more convenient than ever before.

Air conditioning maintenance is a much more involved and complex process than you may realize. It helps to keep your system working as efficiently, effectively, and reliably as possible. If your serious about getting through the hottest time of the year without breaking the bank or rolling the dice in the process, then you cannot afford to overlook the importance of regular air conditioning tune-ups.
Contact SPS Mechanical Inc. for all of your air conditioning needs. Comfort At Your Service.

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