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Heating Question: Is Spring a Good Time for Oil to Gas Conversion?

Here in Haddonfield, heating still means using oil furnaces for many people. Oil furnaces were in use for many years in this part of the country and for a lot of homes, their reliability has trumped the higher fuel costs that they entail. But with winter finally coming to an end, some homeowners are pondering an essential heating question: is spring a good time for oil to gas conversion? It almost certainly is.

The spring means you won’t need your heater as much or as often. It also means that, if you’re handling a lot of serious issues with your oil furnace, you may be thinking about an upgrade or a conversion already. Problems during heating season and concerns about next season could easily prompt a homeowner to consider the move now. With reduced use, you have the luxury of shutting your heater off for a few days to facilitate the conversion, as well as allowing you to schedule the operation during a time that’s convenient to you. In the winter, with your heater called upon for daily use, such flexibility usually isn’t possible. It’s also better to perform the conversion before the summer begins, when concerns about your air conditioner may take center stage and you’ll need to table an oil-to-gas conversion project for another time.

Oil to gas conversion makes all kinds of sense. Once it’s in place, you can save a great deal on heating expenses, as well as helping to promote a cleaner environment and reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. With the cold weather ebbing away, there’s no reason to hesitate. If you are thinking about gas to oil conversion or need any other heating service in Haddonfield, call the experts at SPS Mechanical Inc. We have years of experience handling these kind of problems, and with us as a guide, you can expect your conversion to go smoothly and without a hitch. For an operation like this, you need to leave heating questions to the experts. Contact us today to set up an appointment and let us show you what a difference we can make!

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