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Gas Lines Are Not a DIY Project

If your gas lines are encountering problems, or you’re noticing a shortage of gas to your appliances like your furnace or stove, then you might feel inclined to repair them. After all, how complicated can this kind of work be, right?

Well, it’s actually very complicated, and the consequences of trying to do DIY gas line work can be catastrophic. We’re not kidding. Not only are gas lines fire hazards when they become disconnected or fall into disrepair, but they can also be insurance liabilities and problems for your home down the line. This kind of work is specifically designed for a professional to handle, so this blog post is going to detail why you should leave this to us.

Seriously, before you start any work, make sure you do your research and know the potential consequences ahead of time. And be sure to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about your gas pipe installation in Gloucester County, NJ!

The Legality of the Situation

For legal reasons, homeowners might want to avoid touching their home’s gas lines regardless of any cost-saving purposes. This is because, in many municipalities, handling a gas line without a license or proper certification is illegal and can incur some serious fines. This is a pretty common practice and it’s a very good reason to start off calling for professional help.

The reasoning for this is pretty simple. Gas lines are connected from your local municipality, which means that the nature of the network’s safety involves everyone who uses it. If someone decides to tamper with a gas line incorrectly, it could impact the homes around it and the city that produces the gas.

Safety Always Comes First

Another good reason to avoid working on your gas lines without professional help is safety. Natural gas is flammable, which means that any leaks into your home are a fire hazard that can be bad for your home and your family.

A licensed professional is never going to risk hurting your family with a gas leak, which is why you can always feel safe and secure by hiring the right team for the job. If you try to do this work on your own, or you hire an unlicensed amateur to do this work, then all bets are off and you’re risking more than just a pesky fine.

Insurance Reasons

Home insurance is a necessity in most cases and a helpful tool in others. In order for your home to be properly insured, it needs to be safe and up to code. You probably know someone in your life that’s dealing with home insurance problems due to an outdated building or a part of the house that’s recently been worn down. Well, gas lines are a pretty important part of the home.

Insurance providers might hike up rates for customers with gas leaks or DIY gas fixes in their homes. It doesn’t matter how good the fix might be, if a home insurance professional notices even something slightly wrong or that signals DIY work, then you might be in trouble.

SPS Mechanical Inc. has all the proper certifications and licenses to help with gas line issues. Contact us today. Comfort At Your Service!

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Tags: gas pipe installation, Gloucester County
Monday, January 23rd, 2023 at 11:00 am | Categories: Natural Gas, Plumbing

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