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Everything You Need to Know about Frozen Pipes

You don’t need us to tell you that pipe freezing is a problem. In fact, it’s usually homeowners who tell us how bad of a problem it is. We see these problems every winter and if we can help just one family avoid having their pipes freeze, then that’s enough for us.
For any new homeowners or those who don’t understand the gravity of a pipe freezing problem, we’d like to give you the lowdown. In this post, we’ll go into the specifics about why pipes freeze, why a frozen pipe is a major problem, and some solutions that can help keep your home from experiencing this disaster during the coming winter. We promise that after reading some of this information, you’ll be more confident about how you can deal with winter plumbing problems.
If you’re still anxious about your pipes, you can always call us for plumbing in Sewell, NJ. That being said, let’s get into it.

How it Happens
Winters are particularly tricky for homeowners because temperatures drop below freezing and stay there for consistent periods of time. This means that any and all water exposed to these cold temperatures will freeze and expand. When that water expands inside of your pipe system, it will rupture the pipe and cause it to break. Freezing is most common in:

Pipes that are most exposed to the outdoor temperatures (like hoses and sprinkler lines).
Water supply pipes in unheated areas like basements, attics, garages or kitchen cabinets.
Any other exterior pipes.

What You Can Do
Unless you’re fine dealing with a bunch of pipe leaks that can decimate your plumbing system, there are a few things you can do to help prevent them from freezing and leaking.

Drain the water from exterior water lines that aren’t being used. You’re probably not using your sprinkler, hose, or pool line during the middle of the winter, right? Drain those pipes of water so there’s no risk that they freeze and burst.
Add insulation to attics, garages and crawl spaces. This insulation will make sure that the temperature stays at least above freezing. It doesn’t have to be nice and cozy in your garage, just warm enough to keep your water liquid.
Install pipe sleeves, heat tape, or other pipe insulation. Your pipes could use some insulation just like your home. There are various different products available today that can help you insulate your pipes and keep them above freezing temperatures.
Open your kitchen cabinets. It might look goofy, but it works! When temperatures get really cold, it’s never a bad idea to open up your kitchen cabinets, allowing warm air to circulate through the areas where many pipes run. This includes the cabinet under the sink where your sink drain is.
Let your sink drip. Sure, it’s a waste of water, but so is a pipe leak. Running water doesn’t freeze as easily as still water, so you can keep your pipes from bursting this way as well.

The more proactive you are, the fewer problems you’ll run into. That’s a fact of life. Though, if you still run into pipe issues this winter, make sure you contact a professional plumber!
Give our team of experienced plumbers a call at SPS Mechanical Inc. to fix your frozen pipes. Comfort at your service!

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Tags: Frozen Pipes, Plumbing, Plumbing Emergency, Sewell
Monday, October 7th, 2019 at 11:00 am | Categories: Plumbing

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