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Benefits of Converting to Natural Gas Systems

While we can appreciate the benefits of oil-fueled heating systems, here’s the truth:
Natural gas is doing the same job, but better.

If you’ve been thinking about converting to natural gas, now is as good a time as any to do it. The benefits of natural gas system are hard to ignore. Plus, you won’t have to change your life too much to accommodate it—you can still use furnaces and boilers with natural gas. Here’s why it’s a good idea to switch now:

More Convenient
One of the stand-out benefits of switching to natural gas is that your fuel supply is virtually unlimited. Essentially, you get as much as you’re willing to pay for. Your natural gas line is connected directly to the utility company’s reserve.
That means no more relying on a delivery service to bring your oil and propane shipments. A natural disaster might halt the delivery of your fuel, leaving you out in the cold or forced to go and get fuel yourself. A natural gas system, on the other hand, will continue working as long as the gas lines themselves haven’t been compromised.

Efficiency and Fuel Cost
When it comes to efficiency ratings, gas is about 10% more efficient.
The annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating ranks how well a heating system can turn its fuel source into usable heating energy. Newer oil furnaces have ratings between 80% and 90%. On the other hand, gas furnaces have an AFUE rating between 89% and 98%.

Even if that difference seems negligible to you, you can’t ignore that the cost of natural gas is cheaper than oil. Part of this has to do with the fact that natural gas is produced in the US and Canada—oil prices can fluctuate based on global supply and demand. It should come as no surprise, then, that more than half the homes in the US are heated with natural gas.

Why Not Convert to Electricity?
We can’t ignore the fact that converting your current heating systems to electricity is actually much cheaper than converting to natural gas. So, why not convert to electricity?
With the exception of something like a heat pump, electric-powered heaters are going to be more expensive to run than either oil or gas. And that doesn’t have anything to do with efficiency, as electric heaters are very efficient—the issue is simply the cost of electricity itself. The way fuel costs have been, natural gas is still the cheapest option.
Taking the plunge and investing in gas conversion can start saving you money without having to compromise on comfort and adding more convenience into your life.

Making the decision to convert your oil heating systems to natural gas is not a decision you’ll be able to make quickly. That’s why we suggest getting in touch with a professional of heating services in Deptford Township, NJ. They’ll be able to help you calculate estimated fuel and installation costs.
For more information, contact SPS Mechanical Inc. today to speak with an expert.

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