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Benefits of Air Conditioning Maintenance in Cherry Hill, NJ

While most homeowners are diligent when it comes to AC repairs, there is always room for improvement when it comes to routine air conditioning maintenance. There are many benefits to keeping your AC in top shape year round, from energy efficiency to improved system life. While there are some things you can do as a homeowner, you should also consider enrolling in a maintenance program. This comprehensive annual precision tune-up checks all the major components and connections, cleans your AC, and makes any necessary adjustments to refrigerant levels and belts. For air conditioning maintenance in Cherry Hill, NJ, call SPS Mechanical today! Let’s take a look at just a few of the benefits you will reap when you maintain your air conditioning system:


Efficiency measures the ratio between your electrical input and your cooling output. Routine maintenance is one of the most cost-effective ways to ensure that you’re getting the most money per cooling unit. Cleaning your air filter regularly as well as ensuring there are no leaks in your ductwork can drastically improve your airflow, causing your AC to run less often.

System life.

Your air conditioner is a big investment. During peak usage, it tends to be the largest user out of all your powered appliances. For that reason, you want it to serve you well for years to come. Routine maintenance goes a long way towards keeping your system like new. It also tends to reduce the need for major repairs down the road. Dirt, dust and other debris are common culprits of premature replacement.
Comfort. You expect comfort during the cooling season. The whole reason you purchased your AC is to ensure that you don’t have sleepless nights and unpleasant afternoons while you’re at home. The best way to ensure that you continue to stay comfortable is regular inspection and cleaning.

For more information about our maintenance program, or to schedule a comprehensive check-up on your air conditioning system in Cherry Hill, NJ, call SPS Mechanical, today!

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