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5 Ways to Keep Your Heater Running Well

How is your heating system running? We know that your heater running at all is probably a good sign, but we’d like to go a bit deeper. Heating systems can cost a lot of money to run through the middle of the winter, so it’s important that homeowners are prepared to notice when things go downhill.

Our job is to make sure that your heating system, whether it’s a gas furnace or a heat pump, runs as efficiently and effectively as possible. This can be achieved through our professional services like repairs or maintenance, but it can also be achieved through some best practices that homeowners can take on their own. This blog post is all about what you can do for your home heating system.

Let’s get your heating in Sewell, NJ checked so that you’re ready for the colder months ahead.

Change Your Air Filter

The first and easiest thing we can tell homeowners to do for their HVAC system is to change the air filter. This component is responsible for making sure that only clean, safe air can get into the heating system to protect the interior components from collecting dust, debris, pet dander, and other contaminants.

The process of changing your air filter is simple and effective, so we implore homeowners to do this every 1–3 months. Don’t hesitate to call our team of professionals if you need help learning about this process.

Keep Your Heating System Clean

This might seem nit-picky, but it’s important. A heating system can get bogged down and overheat when it’s cluttered by a lot of materials.

For starters, contaminants like dust and dirt can cause the system’s interior components to have trouble with the heating process. Also, if you’re keeping storage around your furnace or heat pump system, it’s going to insulate it which can cause it to overheat and shut down abruptly.

Schedule Maintenance

We talk a lot about maintenance on this blog, but it’s for a good reason. Scheduled, yearly maintenance is vital in making sure that your heating system runs to the best of its ability every season. Don’t forget that maintenance also helps ensure maximum energy efficiency going forward as well.

If you haven’t scheduled heater maintenance yet, we highly advise you do so!

Invest in Early Repairs

Do you remember that problem with your heater from last year? Chances are unless your system was fixed by a professional, that issue is still there and it’s causing damage to other components in your heater.

Calling for early heater repairs is a great option when you’re looking ahead towards the colder months of the season. Avoid a breakdown by getting problems fixed now.

Pay Close Attention to the System

The last thing you can do for your heating system is to stay vigilant. Heating systems shouldn’t make any strange noises or give off strange scents. If yours does, then that’s a good reason to call our team for support.

Also, make sure you check your monthly heating bill to analyze the trends. If it looks like you’re paying more and more for heat, then it’s likely you’ve got a problem that needs to be fixed.

Contact SPS Mechanical Inc. for help with your heating system. Comfort At Your Service!

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Tags: Heating, Sewell
Monday, November 15th, 2021 at 11:00 am | Categories: Heating

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