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5 Tips to Warm a Cold Home

If you’ve got a home that’s particularly cold no matter what you set the thermostat to, then you can always count on a call to us to get the job done. Once you pick up your phone and call our number, we’ll be on our way to your house to make some targeted repairs and get your heater back up and running. Easy as pie, right?

Well … then what happens? What if you’re waiting for our technicians to arrive, or you’ve got a lot of elderly family at your house and you need to keep things warm? We’re not big fans of “giving up,” so this blog is dedicated to all those who might be stressed about the time when you need to keep things warm even when your heater won’t.

First, don’t forget to call our team for heating repair in Glassboro. Then, keep reading for our expert advice!

1. Cook a Warm Meal

We would never advise any homeowner to use their cooking stove or appliances to heat their home. That’s dangerous and cooking equipment is not an alternative to a heater. But being full after a warm home-cooked meal is a great way to retain heat and not feel as cold.

Try roasting some veggies or braising a chicken on the stove. This should make the house smell amazing while also adding humidity to the air which can help retain heat. Before you know it, our technicians should be there to fix the heater after dinner!

2. Enjoy Some Activity

Moving your body produces more heat than we realize sometimes. While temperatures might be cold outdoors, you can still move around and do some fun family activities indoors! We advise having a holiday dance party, or maybe doing some stretches together to stay healthy and happy, while also creating heat!

3. Use Body Heat

If you’re not in the mood to move around or cook something, we completely understand. This season is perfect for gathering together on the couch to watch some of your favorite holiday movies.

Don’t worry, this will help! When the whole family stays near each other, you’ll actually resonate body heat and stay warm for longer. This helps keep the room you’re spending time in warm and comfortable.

4. Bundle Up

Don’t forget to grab an extra pair of wool socks, sweaters, and some blankets! The more bundled up you are, the more comfortable you’ll feel as you wait for a professional to arrive and fix your heating system.

Also, bundling up regularly can help alleviate your high heating bills by allowing you to lower the thermostat temperature a bit when your heater is working!

5. Call a Team With 24/7 Emergency Services

Let’s face it, not every team has the ability to provide 24/7 emergency heater services. Our team does. When you’re stuck cold and unhappy on the holidays, or late at night on a weekend, we can support you! Our 24/7 emergency hotline is designed for homeowners in need to call and get a professional’s help as soon as possible.

Call SPS Mechanical Inc. for help with your heating system. Comfort At Your Service.

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Tags: Glassboro, Heating Repair
Monday, December 13th, 2021 at 11:00 am | Categories: Heating

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