No one wants to have to replace their air conditioner. Buying an air conditioner is a significant investment, and the longer yours lasts the greater your return on that investment. Unfortunately, no matter how well you look after your air conditioning system, you will eventually need a new one. What is important is recognizing when that time has arrived. The following are 3 of the biggest indications that it’s time for a new air conditioner.
Rise in Your Electric Bill
Your electric bill is going to fluctuate from month to month anyway, as your demand for electricity rises and falls. If you notice your bill rising steadily over a few months, though, it may be an indication that your air conditioner is wearing down. This is because the parts that make up the air conditioner have become so worn that they can no longer provide the same level of output they once did. This forces your system to stay on for longer, which costs more money.
Repairs Happen More Frequently
All of those worn out parts in your old air conditioner will eventually fail completely. As each part wears down at a slightly different rate, an air conditioner near the end of its life will often have multiple parts fail in relatively rapid succession. When that happens, you should think about installing a new air conditioner.
General Age
Age itself is a decent indicator of the health of your air conditioning system. Most air conditioners are designed to last between 15 and 20 years. If your air conditioner is older than 15 years, and you’re having problems with it, it might be time to have it replaced. Even if it isn’t encountering any serious issues yet, modern systems will have surpassed it in terms of energy efficiency and output.
If you think it may be time to replace your air conditioner, call SPS Mechanical Inc. We provide air conditioning installation services throughout Southern New Jersey, Delaware, and Southeast Pennsylvania.