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3 Important Facts about Oil to Gas Conversion

If you are still using oil to fuel the furnace or boiler heating your home, then it might be time for you to take into serious consideration a conversion to natural gas. Many homes have already undergone the oil-to-gas conversion to their benefit—and the benefits are numerous.

Here are 3 important facts we think all homeowners who current rely on oil for heating need to know about making the conversion. Call SPS Mechanical Inc. for additional information, as well as to schedule a conversion or any other heating repair in Sewell, NJ.

1. It can save you money
We can rely on studies by the federal Energy Information Administration to tell us that an oil-to-gas conversion will save you a significant amount on your heating bills each winter. The EIA’s 2011 study showed an average family would save close to $2,000 over a single winter by changing from burning oil to burning natural gas. This will quickly offset the cost of conversion. This, of course, varies by region because fuel costs can be different.

2. It can help the environment
Natural gas is one of the cleanest-burning fuels available, producing fewer sulfur, carbon, and nitrogen emissions than oil. It also doesn’t leaves behind ash particles after burning. This decreases such environmental dangers as smog, acid rain, and greenhouse gasses. If you are interested in helping the planet while saving money, than natural gas is the perfect route to take.

3. You must have it done by specialists
Obviously, you can’t perform an oil-to-gas conversion on your own without training: you wouldn’t even know where to begin. However, you can’t simply turn to any heating contractor to do the work; you need to hire a contractor who specializes in this service. If you can hire a contractor that handles both standard home heating and conversions, then you’ll have the convenience of only dealing with one company, which will make the job go much smoother.

Keep in mind, when you are considering a conversion to natural gas, that a natural gas line into your home can do more than run your furnace or boiler. It can also be used for ovens, stoves, and even some models of clothes dryers. You’ll be making a large investment in home comfort that affects many aspects of your life.
SPS Mechanical Inc. has you covered when it comes to oil-to-gas conversions. We can help your whole house make the switch, with little inconvenience to you. Contact us today for details about our services and other heating repair in Sewell, NJ.

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